Edit the team captain’s message


Raphaël Lapointe

Last Update 2 years ago

You would like to add a team captain message on a team’s page? It’s super simple! Simply follow these steps:

1. Log in to your Fundky account on your platform’s homepage.

2. Once you’re logged in, place your cursor on your name in the top menu, and click on Dashboard in the menu that appears.

3. Then, click on Campaigns in the menu on the left.

4. Click on the pink pencil icon next to the campaign you want to edit.

5. Click on Team in the menu on the left.

6. Click on the pink pencil icon next to the team for which you want to add the captain message.

7. Write the message in the space provided for that purpose.

8. Click on Save to keep your changes.

9. In the designated section, you can also edit the language and write the message in the selected language.

Do not forget to Save for each language.

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