Donate to a participant


Raphaël Lapointe

Last Update vor 2 Jahren

You would like to support the cause by donating to a participant? Here's how to do it:

From the platform’s homepage

1. Place your cursor on Contribute in the top menu, then click Make a donation in the menu that appears.

2. On the page Who would you like to support?, click on the SEARCH button under the A participant option.

3. Always on the page Who would you like to support?, write the name of the participant you’re looking for in the search bar.

4. In the search results, click on the icon of the participant you want to give to.

5. Follow the steps of the donation process to complete your transaction. To learn about the accepted payment methods, click here.

5.1. My contribution

Indicate the nature (ex: personal, corporate, grouped) of your donation and the amount you wish to donate. If you wish, you can leave a comment with your donation.

5.2. Personal information

Add the requested information, then check the box that certifies you’ve read the Terms of use and the Refund Policy.

5.3. Payment

Enter the payment information and click the NEXT button to complete your transaction.

5.4. Confirmation

Success! If your payment is accepted, you will have a summary of your transaction with:

  • Billing information,
  • Transaction information,
  • Payment method

Thank you for your generosity!

If your transaction failed, make sure that you have provided the correct information before proceeding with your transaction. For any questions or technical support requests, contact the Fundky team at [email protected].

From the participant's page

1. Click the DONATE button under the participant’s thermometer, just below his profile picture.

2. Follow the steps of the donation process to complete your transaction. To learn about the accepted payment methods, click here.

2.2 My contribution

Indicate the nature of your donation and the amount you wish to donate. If you wish, you can leave a comment with your donation.

2.2 Personal information

Add the requested information, then check the Terms of use and the Refund Policy.

2.3. Payment

Enter the payment information and click the NEXT button to complete your transaction.

2.3. Confirmation

Success! If your payment is accepted, you will have a summary of your transaction with:

  • Billing information,
  • Transaction information,
  • Payment method

Thank you for your generosity!

If your transaction failed, make sure that you have provided the correct information before proceeding with your transaction. For any questions or technical support requests, contact the Fundky team by at [email protected].

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