Change the description of a campaign


Raphaël Lapointe

Last Update 2 jaar geleden

You can change the description at any time. Here's how to change it:

1. Log in to your Fundky account on the platform where your campaign is located.

2. Once logged in, place your cursor on your first name in the top menu, then click Dashboard from the menu that appears.

3. Click the CAMPAIGNS tab in the left menu

4. Click the pencil icon to the right of the campaign you want to edit. If you have multiple campaigns, you can use the search bar to find your campaign faster.

5. You will automatically be directed to the ABOUT tab. Here you will be able to edit the description of your campaign. Once you have made your changes, click SAVE to keep them.

In the designated section, you can also change the language in which you are editing and add a different language for the selected language.

Do not forget to Save for each language!

Once saved, your new description will automatically appear on your campaign page.

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