How to create my first zap ?
Last Update één jaar geleden
1. In your Zapier administration, click on the button “Create a zap”
2. The API key is available for free upon request for all organizations. To obtain your Zapier API key, please contact us at [email protected] to request access to the Fundky app in Zapier. The application is set to private by default, so you'll need permission from the Fundky team to access it. With just one click, we'll grant you access and the application will then be available in your Zapier dashboard!
3. Choose the Fundky App and the trigger you want.
Fundky offers two triggers : New/Updated Donation and New/Updated Member
4. Connect your Fundky Account with the Fundky API you received. If you haven’t received your Fundky API Key, contact us at [email protected] to get yours!
5. Test your trigger. This part is important, as it’s going to give you the information you can use to map Fundky to the CRM of your choice. You have to have at least one member or one donation to test the trigger successfully
6. From here, you can connect it to Hubspot, Salesforce, Zoho CRM, Pipedrive and more!
Please note that if you want to create a contact and a deal from a Fundky Donation, you’ll need at least a Zapier Starter account for Multi-step Zaps.